Enjoying Life From Sand to Sweets…

Tag Archives: beach

Hey Sweets!

Last night for dinner Scott and I got a Laventina’s Big Cheese Pizza with pepperoni and two Dr Peppers from Circle K and went and ate it at the beach! It was sooo cold but it was nice to be at the beach! I had two slices. After we rented a movie called “Twelve” it was really weird and I wouldn’t recommend it even though it had Fifty Cent in it! Wednesday and Thursday night we rented “The Switch” & “How Do You Know” they were both really cute!




Hey Sweets!

This past weekend I did one of my favorite leisure exercises! I went on a three hour walk at the beach with my mom and pooch. Bright sunny skies, a mild breeze, and the scent of spring…in the middle of winter! Its days like these that make me understand why Southern California is so crowded! I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves!

xoxo- Amy












Hey Sweets!

Well it was a Saturday morning surf for my husband and and some friends… I didn’t actually surf! I am learning to surf and we thought the waves might be to big for me so I just went along for fun and to take pictutres! It turned out the waves were not that big, but it was a beautiful day to sit on the beach! After the moring surf session we got breakfast burritos…Yum!

